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Greg Jacobs .  1992.  Memo: Laguna Master Plan [92.10]. Abstract    Download:  92-10.pdf 
Gerry E Studds .  1990.  Letter from Gerry R. Studds to Bob Sharp inviting him to testify at July 31, 1990 Congressional Hearing [90.6]. Abstract    Download:  90-6.pdf 
Garth Engdahl .  1988.  Laguna Endangered by Defoliation, Fill, Report Says [88.6]. Abstract    Download:  88-6.pdf 
Gaye LeBaron .  1988.  Gaye LeBaron's Notebook -- Honk if you love geese [88.3]. Abstract    Download:  88-3.pdf 
Gaye LeBaron .  1988.   Gaye LeBaron's Notebook -- Penny-wise, pound-foolish [88.50.1]. Abstract    Download:  88.50.1.pdf 
George Snyder .  1988.  Secrets of a "hidden" lagoon [88.73]. Abstract    Download:  88-73.pdf  88-73-b.pdf  88-73-c.pdf 
Helen Shane .  2002.  It's our duty to protect the Laguna [2002.4]. Abstract    Download:  2002.4.pdf 
Helen Shane .  2002.  Invitation to exhibit and silent auction of paintings of Laguna [2002.15]. Abstract    Download:  2002.15.pdf 
Helen Shane .  1998.  Letter to the Editor -- Enough is enough in Laguna [98.39]. Abstract    Download:  98.39.pdf 
Howard Levy .  1994.  Letter to the Editor: Fee for 'litigation reserve' [94.16]. Abstract    Download:  94-16.pdf 
Helen Libeu, W R Stillman .  1988.  Laguna Advisory Committee Report to the City of Sebastopol, January 1988 [88.30] . Abstract    Download:  88-30.pdf 
Helen Libeu, Suzanne Nelson .  1988.  Notice to all member organizations, Environmental Center of Sonoma County, Re: Laguna de Santa Rosa [88.37]. Abstract    Download:  88-37.pdf 
John Cummings .  2008.  Fish and pisciculture in 19th century Sonoma County. Abstract
John Cummings .  2005.  A Big Puddle : The Early Laguna De Santa Rosa. Abstract
John Cummings .  2004.  Draining and Filling the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Abstract
John Cummings .  2003.  Laguna De Santa Rosa : Index of the Microfilm Files of the Sebastopol Times 1895-1965. Abstract
John Cummings .  2003.  The Awful Offal of Sebastopol. Abstract
John Cummings .  2003.  Sebastopol's Airport. Abstract
John Cummings .  2003.  "Crystal Laughing Waters" : Historical Glimpses of the Laguna De Santa Rosa.. Abstract
John Cummings .  2001.  Sewage of Santa Rosa: 1867-1926. Abstract
Juliane Poirier Locke .  2000.  River Sludge -- Wasted Waters [2000.6]. Abstract    Download:  2000.6.pdf  2000.6.b.pdf  2000-6-c.pdf  2000.6.d.pdf  2000.6.e.pdf 
John H K Riley .  1999.  Reclaiming the land [99.9]. Abstract    Download:  99.9.pdf 
Jeff Peters, Margaret Henderson, Ralph Alexander .  1999.  Laguna de Santa Rosa Wetlands Preserve Design Memorandum [99.12]. Abstract    Download:  99.12.pdf  99.12.b.pdf  99.12.c.pdf 
Janet Wells .  1999.  Duck & Cover: Sebastopol's Laguna de Santa Rosa goes from wasteland to wetland [99.16]. Abstract    Download:  99.16.pdf  99.16.b.pdf 
Jim Searles .  1998.  Letter to the Editor -- Laguna & golf a good match [98.12]. Abstract    Download:  98.12.pdf