Sewage of Santa Rosa: 1867-1926

Publication Type  Book
Authors  John Cummings
Year  2001
Publisher  John Cummings
Place Published  Petaluma CA
Key Words  abk; archive; ebook; wastewater; sewage; Laguna; Santa Rosa Creek

"In late 1888, council authorized advertising for plans for disposing of the city’s sewage. While
there is no record of such plans, they were probably reflected in the mayor’s (Byington) report
to the council in early 1889. The mayor emphasized the gravity and urgency to solve the sewage
disposal matter — either by purchasing land west of the city “where the debris can be deposited
and utilized for the present” or by providing for future growth by a permanent system “to
tidewater.” At the same meeting, the council sewer committee reporting finding “a parcel of land
for a sewer dump” west of the city and were soon authorized to secure a 30-day option to
purchase the property from W. S. M. (Winfield) Wright — an 11.72 acre parcel on the north
bank of Santa Rosa Creek about 2,000 feet west of what is now Stony Point Road — the city’s
initial sewer farm. (6)
After completion of the outfall main to the sewer farm (10-in. pipe, 7883 ft. long) and
constructing the facilities at the sewer farm, the city’s sewage was directed to the sewer farm in
May 1890."

Environmental History Digital Collection
Sonoma State University Library, Rohnert Park, California
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