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Andrew Jowers .  1991.  Laguna Wildlife Refuge plans are dead . . . for now [91.7.1]. Abstract    Download:  91.7.1.pdf 
Brian Hunter .  1987.  Letter to Howard Reeser from Brian Hunter re: Carinalli Ranch easement [87.5]. Abstract    Download:  87-5.pdf 
John Seymour .  1992.  Letter: Senator John Seymour to Ms. M. Kim Riggs, Re: Comprehensive Wetlands Conservation and Management Act S.1463 [92.2]. Abstract    Download:  92-2.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Council argues Laguna policy [88.57]. Abstract    Download:  88-57.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Infighting over Laguna infilling [88.56]. Abstract    Download:  88-56.pdf 
Laguna Technical Advisory Committee .  1988.  Draft: Fish and Wildlife Restoration of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California [88.122]. Abstract    Download:  88-122.pdf 
Sebastopol City Council, Melvin K Davis .  1982.  City Council Minutes -- Hearing on Removal of Former Sewer Plant; Adopted Negative Declaration to Remove "Sebastopol Sewer Farm" [82.2]. Abstract    Download:  82-2.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Most Laguna recommendations accepted [88.106]. Abstract    Download:  88-106.pdf 
Tom Roth .  1989.  Bosco Introduces Laguna Refuge Bill [89.12.2]. Abstract    Download:  89.12.2.pdf 
Nick Stewart Facilitator .  1988.  Proposed Laguna Linear Park Participants - Study Session [88.110]. Abstract    Download:  88-110.pdf 
Tom Roth, Sara Peyton .  1988.  Bosco to headline Laguna tour [88.60]. Abstract    Download:  88-60.pdf 
John B Burns .  1989.  Sidetracks -- Laguna bill holds great promise [89.13]. Abstract    Download:  89.13.pdf 
Carol Benfell .  1989.  EPA jumps into the vernal pool fray [89.4.6]. Abstract    Download:  89.4.6.pdf 
Andrew Jowers .  1990.  Riggs pledges to revive 'dead' Laguna bill [90.25]. Abstract    Download:  90-25.pdf 
Andrew Jowers .  1990.  House passes laguna bill now headed for Senate [90.23]. Abstract    Download:  90-23.pdf 
Doug Bosco .  1989.  H.R. 2548 -- A Bill to provide for the establishment of the Laguna de Santa Rosa National Wildlife Refuge in Sonoma County, CA [89.11.4]. Abstract    Download:  89.11.4.pdf  89.11.4.b.pdf  89.11.4.c.pdf  89.11.4.d.pdf  89.11.4.e.pdf 
Andrew Jowers .  1990.  Laguna bill's modification angers local farmers [90.24]. Abstract    Download:  90-24.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1989.  Bosco bill to protect Laguna [89.12.1]. Abstract    Download:  89.12.1.pdf 
The Paper Staff .  1988.  Laguna park plans progress [88.121]. Abstract    Download:  88-121.pdf 
Andrew Jowers .  1990.  Laguna preserve bill clears major hurdle [90.22]. Abstract    Download:  90-22.pdf 
Robert Sharp .  1990.  Laguna's fate in Congress' hands [90.18]. Abstract    Download:  90-18.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Sebastopol council: No on no net fill [88.124]. Abstract    Download:  88.124.pdf  88.124.b.pdf  88.124.c.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1989.  Laguna Report: Still news one year later (includes Laguna Report timeline) [89.1]. Abstract    Download:  89.1.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Council edges toward Laguna policy [88.63]. Abstract    Download:  88-63.pdf 
Bob Klose .  1991.  Laguna a priority over SR golf course [91.7]. Abstract    Download:  91-7.pdf