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The Paper Staff .  1988.  Laguna advocates seek county protection [88.74.1]. Abstract    Download:  88-74-1.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  No "net fill' looks unfeasible [88.88]. Abstract    Download:  88-88.pdf 
Bruce Aspinall .  1988.  Memo to Sebastopol City Council re: no development policy map [88.76]. Abstract    Download:  88-76.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Laguna primer: City policy 1A [88.58]. Abstract    Download:  88-58.pdf 
Sebastopol City Council .  1988.  Morris Street: Amended City Council Policy No. 46 [88.67]. Abstract    Download:  88-67.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Sebastopol inches toward Laguna policy [88.74]. Abstract    Download:  88-74.pdf 
Melvin K Davis, Bruce Aspinall, Planning Commission Staff, Sebastopol City Council .  1989.  Notice of Hearing About a Negative Declaration and a Rezoning Proposal With Related Documents dated from 3/10/1989 to 5/2/1989 [89.10]. Abstract    Download:  89.10.pdf 
Climate change
David D Ackerly .  2009.  Climate diversity and protected areas. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  1_Ackerly_Wed session 2.pdf 
Endangered, Threatened, Species of Concern, Vernal pool endangered plants, Sonoma sunshine, Burke's goldfields, Sebastopol meadowfoam
Debra Ayres, Christina Sloop .  2008.  Genetic structure of three Endangered Plants of the Santa Rosa Plain: Burke's goldfields (Lasthenia burkei), Sonoma sunshine (Blennosperma bakeri), and Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans). Abstract    Download:  Ayres_Sloop_SRVP_FINAL_REPORT_May21.pdf 
Teejay O'Rear, Nicole Karres, Christina Sloop .  2009.  2008 Laguna de Santa Rosa Aquatic Community Survey. Abstract    Download:  Laguna_DSR_Aquatic_Survey_2008_final_Feb2010.pdf 
Historical Ecology
Julian Meisler .  2009.  Conceptual Restoration Planning in the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Abstract    Download:  Laguna_flooplain_history_Meisler_Feb 2009.ppt 
Historical hydrology, Copeland Creek, Laguna watershed
Dawson Arthur .  2010.  Laguna de Santa Rosa Historical Hydrology Project - Headwaters Pilot Study. Abstract    Download:  Laguna Historical Hydrology Pilot Report_FINAL.pdf 
Historical hydrology
Arthur Dawson Historical Ecologist .  2009.  Back to the Future: Applying the Lessons of History to the Challenges of Climate Change. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract
Baumgarten S, EE Beller, RM Grossinger, CS Striplen, H Brown, S Dusterhoff, M Salomon, RA Askevold .  2014.  Historical Changes in Channel Alignment along Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa and Mark West Creek. Abstract    Download:  HistoricalChangesChannelAlignmentLagunaMarkWest_SFEI_2014.pdf 
Ludwigia hexapetala
Brenda J Grewell, Caryn J Futrell .  2009.  Restoration and management of Ludwigia hexapetala-invaded wetlands of the Laguna in the face of climate change.. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District, Technical Advisory Committee .  2007.  Management Tips to Enhance Land & Water Quality for Small Acreage Properties. Abstract
John Cushman Jr .  1994.  Flood Control report urges broad changes [94.11]. Abstract    Download:  94-11.pdf 
Bruce Aspinall .  1988.  Memo from Bruce Aspinall Re: "Laguna Advisory Committee Report" [88.13]. Abstract    Download:  88-13.pdf 
M Kim Cordell .  1993.  Letter: Kim Cordell (Director of Laguna Foundation) to Ernie Carpenter (5th District Supervisor), Re: Initiation of Laguna Planning Process (CRMP) [93.7]. Abstract    Download:  93-7.pdf 
Doug Bosco .  1988.  News Release from Congressman Doug Bosco -- Bosco Names Laguna Technical Advisory Group [88.79]. Abstract    Download:  88-79.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1989.  EPA wetlands policy welcomed [89.1.5]. Abstract    Download:  89-1-5.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1994.  Applesauce editorial: Old battles, new horizons [94.1]. Abstract    Download:  94-1.pdf 
Helen Libeu, Suzanne Nelson .  1988.  Notice to all member organizations, Environmental Center of Sonoma County, Re: Laguna de Santa Rosa [88.37]. Abstract    Download:  88-37.pdf 
CH2M Hill, David W Smith Consulting .  1990.  Kelly Farm Demonstration Wetland: Project Description [90.16]. Abstract    Download:  90-16.pdf 
M Kim Cordell .  1994.  The Laguna de Santa Rosa -- Efforts underway to reverse the loss of wildlife habitat: But are we in time? [94.12]. Abstract    Download:  94-12.pdf