Sebastopol bypass cost $3 million [83.5]

Publication Type  Newspaper Article
Authors  Eileen Klineman
Year  1983
Date  11/1983
Publisher  The Press Democrat
Key Words  MAS; archive; Route E; bypass; Laguna de Santa Rosa; wetlands; Environmental Impact Report; EIR; Sebastopol; City Council; Cooper Road; mitigation; public hearing; one-way system; Highway 116; Highway 12; vernal pools; marshes; natural resources

A proposed bypass to relieve traffic in downtown Sebastopol will be very expensive, require removal of homes, and fill in the Laguna, even if only half completed.

Research Notes  

83.5 is the last chronological document in 1983. Enter 84.1 in the search bar for the first chronological document in 1984.

Time Period: 
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