Are we developing into a city of Sebastarosa? [85.3]

Publication Type  Newspaper Article
Authors  Ron Sonenshine
Year  1985
Date  11/1985
Publisher  Sebastopol Times
Key Words  archive; Sebastopol; development; Laguna; Santa Rosa; MAS; urban sprawl; City Council; Gwen Anderson; buffer zone; floodplain; annexation; open space; land use; Fulton Road; Ernie Carpenter; Jim Moore; LAFCO; boundary; Hall Road; Occidental Road; Hwy. 12

The city of Sebastopol is concerned that Santa Rosa's urban sprawl is going to engulf them by going into the Laguna, the last buffer zone between the two cities.

Research Notes  

85.3 is the last chronological document in 1985. Please enter 86.1 in the search bar for the first chronological document in 1986.

Time Period: 
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