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Joseph Honton, Anna Warwick Sears .  2006.  Restoration and Management Plan: Enhancing and Caring for the Laguna. Abstract    Download:  Preface.pdf  Chapter01.pdf  Chapter02.pdf  Chapter03.pdf  Chapter04.pdf  Chapter05.pdf  Chapter06.pdf  Chapter07.pdf  Chapter08.pdf  Chapter09.pdf  Chapter10.pdf  Chapter11.pdf  VolumeII.pdf  AppendixA.pdf  AppendixB.pdf  AppendixC.pdf  AppendixD.pdf  AppendixE.pdf  AppendixF.pdf  Index.pdf  Plate01.pdf  Plate02.pdf  Plate03.pdf  Plate04.pdf  Plate05.pdf  Plate06.pdf  Plate07.pdf  Plate08.pdf  Plate09.pdf  Plate10.pdf  Plate11.pdf  Plate12.pdf  Plate13.pdf  Plate14.pdf  Plate15.pdf  VolumeI.pdf 
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District, Technical Advisory Committee .  2007.  Management Tips to Enhance Land & Water Quality for Small Acreage Properties. Abstract
US Army Corps of Engineers, Sonoma County Water Agency, Mendocino County Russian River Flood Control and Water Conservation Improvement District .  2008.  BIOLOGICAL OPINION for Water Supply, Flood Control Operations, and Channel Maintenance in the Russian River watershed. Abstract    Download:  SIGNED-RussianRiverBOCoverletter.pdf  Signed-RussianRiverFinal_BO_9-24-08.pdf 
Christina Sloop .  2008.  DRAFT COPY Laguna Watershed Research Plan 2008-2012: Building a Scientific Knowledgebase to Restore and Preserve the Laguna de Santa Rosa Watershed in a Changing Environmental and Economic World. Abstract    Download:  Research Plan-Final_Draft.pdf 
The Sonoma County Ludwigia Task Force .  2008.  Ludwigia Final Report. Abstract    Download:  Ludwigia Control Project Final Report.pdf 
Sotoyome Resource Conservation District .  2008.  Upper Mark West Watershed Management Plan Phase 1: Watershed Characterization and Needs Assessment. Abstract