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Barry W Dugan .  1998.  'Laguna in Balance' raises hope for troubled water system [98.21]. Abstract    Download:  98.21.pdf  98.21.b.pdf 
Steve Hart .  1989.  Bosco Unveils Laguna Refuge Plan [89.1.2]. Abstract    Download:  89-1-2.pdf 
Anonymous .  1988.  California's Vanishing Wetlands [88.126]. Abstract    Download:  88-126.pdf 
Debra Ayres, Christina Sloop .  2008.  Genetic structure of three Endangered Plants of the Santa Rosa Plain: Burke's goldfields (Lasthenia burkei), Sonoma sunshine (Blennosperma bakeri), and Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans). Abstract    Download:  Ayres_Sloop_SRVP_FINAL_REPORT_May21.pdf 
Sonoma West Times &, News Staff .  1999.  Laguna Park needs volunteers [99.19]. Abstract    Download:  99.19.pdf 
G Bishop .  1997.  Letter to the Editor -- Rethink Laguna planting [97.14]. Abstract    Download:  97-14.pdf 
John Herrick .  1989.  Letter Re: Laguna Collection, From John Herrick to Kim Cordell [89.20]. Abstract    Download:  89.20.pdf 
Marco Waaland .  1988.  Letter to California Regional Water Quality Control Board [88.59]. Abstract    Download:  88-59.pdf 
Prunuske Chatham Inc, Questa Engineering Corporation, Ralph J Alexander and Associates .  1998.  Preparation of Implementation Plan for Laguna de Santa Rosa for Sebastopol Laguna Foundation [98.9]. Abstract    Download:  98-9.pdf 
City of Sebastopol, Laguna Foundation .  1998.  Post Card: Notice for Planting Weekend -- "Putting Down Roots" [98.42]. Abstract    Download:  98.42.pdf  98.42.b.pdf