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Kathy Austin .  1998.  Commentary: Golf course foes' bad manners [98.23]. Abstract    Download:  98.23.pdf 
Kenyon Webster .  1998.  Memorandum: City Planning Department, Sebastopol -- Revised Donation Letter to Laguna Preserve Implementation Committee [98.41]. Abstract    Download:  98.41.pdf 
Karen Borges .  1996.  Lively debate sprouts over measure to save valley oak trees [96.6]. Abstract    Download:  96-6.pdf 
Ken Foley .  1996.  Letter to the Editor -- City will protect Laguna [96.11]. Abstract    Download:  96-11.pdf 
Lori A Carter .  1999.  Retiree's gifts help restore laguna [99.13]. Abstract    Download:  99.13.pdf 
Laura Ann Freedman .  1998.  Local View: What do you think of the Hwy 116 bypass for Sebastopol? [98.29]. Abstract    Download:  98.29.pdf 
Lisa Bograd .  1994.  Nature Man [94.10]. Abstract    Download:  94.10.pdf  94-10-b.pdf  94-10-c.pdf  94.10.d.pdf 
Laguna Scoping Committee .  1989.  Laguna Scoping Committee [89.4]. Abstract    Download:  89.4.pdf 
Laguna Technical Advisory Committee .  1989.  Fish and Wildlife Restoration of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California [89.1.1]. Abstract    Download:  89-1-1.pdf 
Laguna Technical Advisory Committee .  1988.  Draft: Fish and Wildlife Restoration of the Laguna de Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California [88.122]. Abstract    Download:  88-122.pdf 
Lawrence W McLaughlin .  1988.  Memo from City Attorney to Sebastopol City Council re: Laguna Advisory Committee Report - No net fill below 76 ft. [88.75]. Abstract    Download:  88-75.pdf 
Leonard Swenson .  1988.  Sierra Club Letter to Wilderness Society, Re: Laguna National Wildlife Refuge [88.113]. Abstract    Download:  88-113.pdf 
Laguna Action Committee .  1988.  Management problems confronting the establishment of a National Wildfife Refuge in the Laguna de Santa Rosa [88.113.1]. Abstract    Download:  88-113-1.pdf 
Micheal F Cohen (1) .  2009.  Integrating Invasive Weed and Nutrient Management with Bioenergy Production. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  Laguna2009 Cohen.pdf  Laguna09 Cohen.pdf 
Michelle Jensen .  2009.  Genetic, elevational and community structuring in the endangered vernal pool plant species Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans). 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  MJensen_StateoftheLaguna2009_Poster.pdf 
Mary Callahan .  2002.  Pipeline rupture dumps raw sewage into Laguna [2002.19]. Abstract    Download:  2002.19.pdf 
Mary Callahan .  2002.  Sewage spill larger than estimated [2002.20]. Abstract    Download:  2002.20.pdf 
Matt Weiser .  2001.  Loop trail set for Laguna wetlands [2001.2]. Abstract    Download:  2001.2.pdf 
Mary Callahan .  2000.  $580,000 for restoration OK'd [2000.10]. Abstract    Download:  2000.10.pdf 
Mark Aronoff .  1999.  Windsor Transplants -- Native grasses take root in Sebastopol preserve [99.7]. Abstract    Download:  99.7.pdf 
Mike McCoy .  1998.  Laguna: Proposal for golf course faces suit [98.17]. Abstract    Download:  98.17.pdf 
Mike McCoy .  1998.  SR to pay $55,000 in laguna upgrades [98.35]. Abstract    Download:  98.35.pdf 
Mike McCoy .  1997.  New golf course by laguna weighed [97.18]. Abstract    Download:  97.18.pdf 
Marsha Trent .  1996.  Open space funds boost Laguna campaign [96.5]. Abstract    Download:  96-5.pdf 
Michael Kyes .  1996.  Letter to the Editor -- City's Laguna leaks [96.9]. Abstract    Download:  96-9.pdf