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Allan R Buckmann .  1982.  Letter -- To Mel Davis From Allan R. Buckmann Re: Sewer Plant Demolition and Pond Fill, Wetland Mitigation [82.1] . Abstract    Download:  82-1.pdf 
CH2M Hill, David W Smith Consulting .  1990.  Kelly Farm Demonstration Wetland: Project Description [90.16]. Abstract    Download:  90-16.pdf 
Robert Digitale .  1988.  Judge Tosses out City's OK on Project [88.116]. Abstract    Download:  88-116.pdf 
Micheal F Cohen (1) .  2009.  Integrating Invasive Weed and Nutrient Management with Bioenergy Production. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  Laguna2009 Cohen.pdf  Laguna09 Cohen.pdf 
Kenyon Webster .  2002.  Invitation Flyer -- Dedication of New Trail [2002.9]. Abstract    Download:  2002.9.pdf 
Helen Shane .  2002.  Invitation to exhibit and silent auction of paintings of Laguna [2002.15]. Abstract    Download:  2002.15.pdf 
Charles S Greene, Robert R Klamt .  1988.  Investigation for Non-Point Source Pollutants in the Laguna de Santa Rosa Watershed, Sonoma County [88.115]. Abstract    Download:  88-115.pdf 
Richard Nichols .  1986.  Importance of the Wetlands Ordinance [86.4]. Abstract    Download:  86-4.pdf 
Baumgarten S, EE Beller, RM Grossinger, CS Striplen, H Brown, S Dusterhoff, M Salomon, RA Askevold .  2014.  Historical Changes in Channel Alignment along Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa and Mark West Creek. Abstract    Download:  HistoricalChangesChannelAlignmentLagunaMarkWest_SFEI_2014.pdf 
Frances Knapczyk Napa County Resource Conservation District, Caitlin Cornwall Sonoma Ecology Center .  2009.  How are we doing? Developing a watershed scorecard for the Napa River and Sonoma Creek watersheds. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract
Clark Mason .  1995.  Homes may threaten Indian graves: Sebastopol's Palm Terrace Hits a New Snag [95.3]. Abstract    Download:  95-3.pdf  95-3-b.pdf 
John H K Riley .  1994.  Hamilton to resign [94.9.1]. Abstract    Download:  94-9-1.pdf 
Members of the Laguna Park Technical Advisory Committee .  1991.  Highway 12 Bridge Modifications -- A Letter to the Sebastopol City Council from the Laguna Park Technical Advisory Committee [91.10.1]. Abstract    Download:  91-10-1.pdf 
Robert Sharp .  1990.  Hope at Last for the Laguna de Santa Rosa [90.5.1]. Abstract    Download:  90-5-1.pdf 
Andrew Jowers .  1990.  House passes laguna bill now headed for Senate [90.23]. Abstract    Download:  90-23.pdf 
Doug Bosco .  1989.  H.R. 2548 -- A Bill to provide for the establishment of the Laguna de Santa Rosa National Wildlife Refuge in Sonoma County, CA [89.11.4]. Abstract    Download:  89.11.4.pdf  89.11.4.b.pdf  89.11.4.c.pdf  89.11.4.d.pdf  89.11.4.e.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Hearing Crowd Supports Laguna Report [88.36]. Abstract    Download:  88-36.pdf 
Michelle Jensen .  2009.  Genetic, elevational and community structuring in the endangered vernal pool plant species Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans). 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  MJensen_StateoftheLaguna2009_Poster.pdf 
Debra Ayres, Christina Sloop .  2008.  Genetic structure of three Endangered Plants of the Santa Rosa Plain: Burke's goldfields (Lasthenia burkei), Sonoma sunshine (Blennosperma bakeri), and Sebastopol meadowfoam (Limnanthes vinculans). Abstract    Download:  Ayres_Sloop_SRVP_FINAL_REPORT_May21.pdf 
Barry W Dugan .  1998.  Ghilotti family donates Laguna uplands site [98.1] . Abstract    Download:  98-1.pdf  98-1-b.pdf 
Bob Klose .  1998.  Gift of laguna ends years of talks: Uplands near Sebastopol to be preserved [98.3]. Abstract    Download:  98.3.pdf  98.3.b.pdf 
Frank Robertson .  1998.  Golf course foes link up [98.22]. Abstract    Download:  98-22.pdf 
Tom Chorneau .  1996.  Grant going for Indian site [96.16]. Abstract    Download:  96-16.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Groups begin drive to park [88.114]. Abstract    Download:  88-114.pdf 
Dawn Pillsbury .  2002.  Foundation funds pilot restoration project [2002.17]. Abstract    Download:  2002.17.pdf