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Newspaper Article
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Council edges toward Laguna policy [88.63]. Abstract    Download:  88-63.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Council backs off from 'no net fill' policy [88.89]. Abstract    Download:  88-89.pdf 
The Press Democrat staff .  1988.  County in Laguna fight; Inset: Sebastopol set on Laguna park [88.102]. Abstract    Download:  88-102.pdf 
Robert Digitale .  1988.  Critics rip Federal flood study [88.112]. Abstract    Download:  88-112.pdf 
Sebastopol Times Staff .  1988.  City okays parts of Laguna Report [88.99]. Abstract    Download:  88-99.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Council supports a Laguna park [88.104]. Abstract    Download:  88-104.pdf 
Newspaper Staff .  1988.  Core of Sebastopol [88.48]. Abstract    Download:  88-48.pdf 
John B Burns .  1988.  Editorial -- Compromise needed on Laguna policy [88.33]. Abstract    Download:  88-33.pdf 
Pam Morrow .  1988.  Excitement on the Laguna [88.2]. Abstract    Download:  88-2.pdf 
Jerry Weil .  1988.  Environmentalists win bond ruling [88.107]. Abstract    Download:  88-107.pdf 
Editorial .  1988.  Editorial -- Drawing the Line [88.54]. Abstract    Download:  88-54.pdf 
Sara Peyton .  1988.  Fill by any other name not permitted [88.44]. Abstract    Download:  88-44.pdf 
Gaye LeBaron .  1988.  Gaye LeBaron's Notebook -- Honk if you love geese [88.3]. Abstract    Download:  88-3.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Groups begin drive to park [88.114]. Abstract    Download:  88-114.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Hearing Crowd Supports Laguna Report [88.36]. Abstract    Download:  88-36.pdf 
Bruce Robinson .  1988.  Infighting over Laguna infilling [88.56]. Abstract    Download:  88-56.pdf 
Robert Digitale .  1988.  Judge Tosses out City's OK on Project [88.116]. Abstract    Download:  88-116.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Laguna primer: City policy 1A [88.58]. Abstract    Download:  88-58.pdf 
The Press Democrat Staff .  1988.  Laguna Task Force Selected [88.81]. Abstract    Download:  88-81.pdf 
Sebastopol Times Staff .  1988.  Laguna Study Meets Council's Approval [88.7]. Abstract    Download:  88-7.pdf 
Garth Engdahl .  1988.  Laguna Endangered by Defoliation, Fill, Report Says [88.6]. Abstract    Download:  88-6.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1988.  Laguna Called Flood Safety Valve [88.4]. Abstract    Download:  88-4.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1988.  Laguna Suggestions Challenged [88.19]. Abstract    Download:  88-19.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1988.  Large turnout backs strict Laguna rules [88.34]. Abstract    Download:  88-34.pdf 
Steve French .  1988.  Laguna Worth Preserving [88.41]. Abstract    Download:  88-41.pdf