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Conference Presentation
Christina Sloop, Hattie Brown .  2009.  Reproductive Ecology and Seed Bank Dynamics of Endangered Plants in Constructed and Natural Vernal Pools. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  SoL 2009 Pollination poster HB FINAL.pdf 
Christina Sloop, Hattie Brown .  2009.  Santa Rosa Plain Ecosystem Study and ‘Adopt a Vernal Pool’ Program. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  SoL 2009 avp poster FINAL.pdf 
Kandis Gilmore, Christina Sloop, Hattie Brown .  2009.  The Pollination Ecology of Showy Vernal Pool Annuals: A Pilot Survey of Insect Visitors to Three Endangered Plant Species. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  SoL 2009 Pollination poster KG.pdf 
Christina Sloop, Sarah Gordon, Hattie Brown .  2008.  Conservation Genetics of the Endangered Butte County Meadowfoam (BCM, Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica). 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract
Hattie Brown, Elizabeth Porzig .  2014.  Bird Inventory and Monitoring at the Laguna de Santa Rosa 2004/5-2014. Abstract
Baumgarten S, EE Beller, RM Grossinger, CS Striplen, H Brown, S Dusterhoff, M Salomon, RA Askevold .  2014.  Historical Changes in Channel Alignment along Lower Laguna de Santa Rosa and Mark West Creek. Abstract    Download:  HistoricalChangesChannelAlignmentLagunaMarkWest_SFEI_2014.pdf 
Christina Sloop Hattie Brown Genevieve Taylor .  2010.  Meeting the Challenge - Strategies for Adapting Watershed Ecosystems to Climate Change. Proceedings of the 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract    Download:  2009_SoL_Conference Proceedings.pdf