Cease and Desist order regarding "Placement of fill into abandoned [Sebastopol] sewage Pond #5 [87.11]

Publication Type  Resource
Authors  Jack E. Farless
Year of Publication  1987
Publisher  U.S. Department of Army Corps of Engineers
Key Words  ABK; archive; Sebastopol Preserve; Sebastopol Sewer Plant
Abstract or Description  

Certified Letter from Jack E. Farless of the Army Corps of Engineers to Mel Davis, the Sebastopol City Manager regarding the fill.
Includes blank Investigation Questionnaire on Unauthorized Activity.
Includes letter dated 11/16/1982 from Allan Buckman of the Dept. of Fish and Game.
Includes detailed drawing "Pond #5 - Fill Detail" by Paul Schoch, City Engineer
Includes Sebastopol City Council minutes of !2/1/1982 describing hearing on removal of former sewer plant.

Time Period: 
87-11.pdf557.75 KB