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Richard Lehtinen .  1987.  Letter from Sonoma County Department of Planning to Robert Sharp regarding intention to prepare and implement a Laguna de Santa Rosa management plan. [87.8]. Abstract    Download:  87-8.pdf 
Anonymous .  1988.  California's Vanishing Wetlands [88.126]. Abstract    Download:  88-126.pdf 
Dan Hauser .  1987.  Dan Hauser, Caifornia State Assembly, comments on the Draft EIR for the Santa Rosa Long-Range Wastewater Management Plan. [87.4]. Abstract    Download:  87-4.pdf 
Ernest "Ernie", Carpenter .  1987.  Joint Resolution and comments of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, South Park Sanitation District and the Sonoma County Water Agency on the Draft EIR for the Santa Rosa Subregional Long-Term Wastewater Management Plan. [87.2]. Abstract    Download:  87-2.pdf 
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The Sonoma County Ludwigia Task Force .  2008.  Ludwigia Final Report. Abstract    Download:  Ludwigia Control Project Final Report.pdf 
US Army Corps of Engineers, Sonoma County Water Agency, Mendocino County Russian River Flood Control and Water Conservation Improvement District .  2008.  BIOLOGICAL OPINION for Water Supply, Flood Control Operations, and Channel Maintenance in the Russian River watershed. Abstract    Download:  SIGNED-RussianRiverBOCoverletter.pdf  Signed-RussianRiverFinal_BO_9-24-08.pdf