
Found 64 results

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Paul L Schoch .  1988.  Memo from Paul Schoch to Bruce Aspinall RE: Laguna Report and Development Below 76 Foot Elevation; Job no. 1186-E0001-75 [88.17]. Abstract    Download:  88-17.pdf 
Matt Weiser, photo by Christopher Chung .  2000.  Erosion threat to laguna [2000.5]. Abstract    Download:  2000.5.pdf  2000.5.b.pdf  2000.5.c.pdf 
Mike McCoy .  1997.  New golf course by laguna weighed [97.18]. Abstract    Download:  97.18.pdf 
M Kim Cordell .  1994.  The Laguna de Santa Rosa -- Efforts underway to reverse the loss of wildlife habitat: But are we in time? [94.12]. Abstract    Download:  94-12.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1989.  Laguna Report: Still news one year later (includes Laguna Report timeline) [89.1]. Abstract    Download:  89.1.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Council argues Laguna policy [88.57]. Abstract    Download:  88-57.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Laguna primer: City policy 1A [88.58]. Abstract    Download:  88-58.pdf 
Melvin K Davis .  1988.  Memo of the Week [88.46]. Abstract    Download:  88-46.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Palm Terrace approved [88.68]. Abstract    Download:  88-68.pdf  88-68-b.pdf 
Mike Jasper .  1988.  Laguna report: all but 'no net fill' agreed upon [88.105]. Abstract    Download:  88-105.pdf 
Kim Cordell .  1988.  Report to Sebastopol City Council, Re: proposed fill of the Laguna [88.61]. Abstract    Download:  88-61.pdf 
John H K Riley .  1999.  Reclaiming the land [99.9]. Abstract    Download:  99.9.pdf 
John Burgess .  1997.  Wade Along, Little Dogies -- Herd about the flooded laguna? [97.20]. Abstract    Download:  97-20.pdf 
John Cushman Jr .  1994.  Flood Control report urges broad changes [94.11]. Abstract    Download:  94-11.pdf 
Jeffrey Flushman, Dan Meyers .  1993.  Wetlands: Natural flood defense [93.15]. Abstract    Download:  93-15.pdf 
Helen Libeu, W R Stillman .  1988.  Laguna Advisory Committee Report to the City of Sebastopol, January 1988 [88.30] . Abstract    Download:  88-30.pdf 
Garth Engdahl .  1988.  Laguna Endangered by Defoliation, Fill, Report Says [88.6]. Abstract    Download:  88-6.pdf 
Frank Robertson .  1997.  Silt worsening flooding: Laguna is filling up with mud [97.8]. Abstract    Download:  97-8.pdf  97-8b.pdf 
Frank Robertson .  1997.  Flooding topic of conference [97.9]. Abstract    Download:  97-9.pdf 
Frank Robertson .  1989.  Map lowers floodplain and raises concern [89.22]. Abstract    Download:  89.22.pdf 
Ed W Barnes .  1988.  Open Letter by Ed W. Barnes to the Sebastopol City Council, Re: Encroachment on the Laguna de Santa Rosa [88.21]. Abstract    Download:  88-21.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1988.  Laguna Called Flood Safety Valve [88.4]. Abstract    Download:  88-4.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1988.  Planners pave way for Palm Terrace: Laguna panel's pleas in vain [88.35]. Abstract    Download:  88-35.pdf 
Eileen Klineman .  1984.  Sebastopol 'Route E' Hearing -- Bypass impact, report opposed [84.1]. Abstract    Download:  84-1.pdf 
Dawn Pillsbury .  2002.  Foundation funds pilot restoration project [2002.17]. Abstract    Download:  2002.17.pdf