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Dawn Pillsbury .  2001.  Meeting set on proposed Laguna shooting range [2001.16]. Abstract    Download:  2001.16.pdf 
Barry W Dugan .  1996.  Editorial -- Discharges into the Laguna must stop [96.10]. Abstract    Download:  96-10.pdf 
Vernal pool ecosystems, Santa Rosa Plain, vernal pool communities, Lasthenia, Navarretia, Downingia, Plagiobothrys, Pogogyne, Psilocarphus
Solomeshch AI and MG Barbour .  2009.  Are Santa Rosa Plain vernal pools unique?. 2009 State of the Laguna Conference and Science Symposium. Abstract
ME Waaland, R Thompson, J Vilms .  1988.  Constructed Wetlands Using Reclaimed Effluent [88.1]. Abstract    Download:  88-1.pdf